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Dead Recap Report

Dead Recap Report Erika

The Dead Recap Report is a report that will show you what projects you've lost within a specific period of time.

If you have written a comment on that project file, it will also pull that last comment.

The reason you might want to see that final comment is to see why you may have lost that job.

We do have a feature within FollowupCRM that allows you to require a comment when someone updates the sales status to dead or lost.

An administrator within the platform can go to > Company Settings > Codes > Sales Status (under miscellaneous information).

Then, under the Sales Status options > Dead

You can check the box in the Dead column that says "comment".

This will mandate a comment and will be shown in the Dead Recap Report.

The Dead Recap Report is going to be based on the dead date. So when you update your sales status to dead, it's going to add the date that the project was lost.

Filter your report by date, and that's it, you have your Dead Recap Report!

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