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How to Create Saved Lists

Have you ever wanted to do an Advanced Search and save it?

First, go to your Projects page and click "Add list".

List 1

Click "Sales Status", click "New Lead", and then click "Save List".

List 2

Name the list and save it.

List 3

Now, click on your list to view.

List 4

Now what's really great about this feature is it is a live feature. So as projects come in and out of the new lead status, they will be removed or they will populate in this field.

So you can do all kinds of great things. If it's in advanced search, you can search as many fields as you'd like and then save that list so that you don't have to fill out all of those fields.

Again. If you have any questions for us, please reach out in the chat center.

Hope you guys have a great rest of your week.


Happy Selling!



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