How to Update Code Groups Erick Vargas
Code groups allow you to tag and categorize your files so that you can pull reports you need to pull.
You will need administrative access to update code groups. To get started click on the Settings tab. Then click on Codes.
Choose the code group you would like to update:

Once you select the code group you would like to update you will see the list of your current codes. Click the plus sign to add a new code:

Enter the new code in the first three boxes (enter the same code in all three boxes) i.e. New Code, New Code, New Code. Choose the load order (the load order refers to the order of the drop down box in the file). Lastly, choose whether this behavior is part of your pipeline (it will show up in your pipeline on your home page), a contract, dead, or a comment. Then click Save.

Once you have updated you will see your new code listed.